Week 28: The World Stage
The “world stage” is the second of three posts exploring the tripartite vision that candidate Joe Biden expressed for America. On his website, he states, “We’ve got to demonstrate respected leadership on the world stage. The world is facing inescapable challenges: a rapidly changing climate, the risk of nuclear conflict, trade wars, a rising China and an aggressive Russia, millions of refugees seeking shelter and security, and attacks on universal human rights and fundamental freedoms. The next president must repair our relationships with our allies and stand up to strongmen and thugs on the global stage to rally the world to meet these challenges. We can reclaim our longstanding position as the moral and economic leader of the world.”
Let us consider the “world stage” by first grounding ourselves in advice proffered by our first President. In George Washington’s farewell address to the People of the United States in 1796, he wrote, “The great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible.” His vision, which one might characterize as a sort of political isolationism, began eroding to varying degrees during the 19th century and was all but forgotten the 20th century. His vision, though, wasn’t one of complete isolationism. He saw the benefit of free and open trade among the nations of the world. With the exception of the manufacture of materiel for engaging in war, which he felt a nation should have a good degree of self-sufficiency, Washington’s economic philosophy was well aligned with that of Adam Smith. “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” was published in 1776, the same year the colonists issued the Declaration of Independence and two decade prior to Washington’s farewell, had an influence on Washington and other leaders of the time.
Regrettably, Washington’s advice seems more distant than ever.
Climate Change
Climate change seems to be a central
issue for politicians, one based on a “consensus” of scientists. There is, of
course, evidence that the planet’s temperature is rising, along with sea levels
and evaporating ice shelves at the poles. The question at the hear of the
climate change issue is the cause. Temperatures have risen and fallen
throughout the life of our planet. Some claim that climate change is caused
predominantly by humans. Some say that this claim is unproven. Progressives
regularly accuse conservatives of ignoring science, yet it tends to be
progressives who put forth the “consensus” concept related to climate change.
Is consensus science?
As is my custom, I will not tell you, kind reader, what to think about this topic: climate change. I will simply challenge you to think. Consider the article “Consensus Science and the Peer Review” from the September 2009 issue of the journal Molecular Imaging and Biology. It quotes a lecture given by physician, producer and writer Michael Crichton at the California Institute of Technology. Dr. Crichton stated, “I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.” He continues, “Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What are relevant are reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it's science, it isn't consensus. Period.”
Science demands a rigorous process of trial and error. It demands reproducibility of results. Rather than take climate change, as proposed by a collection of scientists – and yes – politicians, at face value, take the time to review the data, for and against, and determine for yourself if human-caused climate change is in fact scientific fact or merely consensus. I would suggest that leadership on the world stage on this or any issue should be based in fact and not on consensus or supposition.
War and Aggresion
With the exception of the following
years – 1796-97, 1807-09, 1826, 1828-30, 1897, 1935-50, 1976-78, 1997 and 2000
– the United State of America has been engaged in some war or significant
military conflict since its founding, which is more than 90 percent of the time
we have been a nation. If history, with all due respect to the Right Honourable
Edmund Burke, informs the future, it serves a nation well to understand the key
factors of success in the theater of war. According to Carl Von Clausewitz, in
his work “On War,” the principal moral elements of war include, “the skill of
the commander, the experience and courage of the troops, and their patriotic
spirit.” In terms of commanders, our nation’s generals, admirals and other
military leaders should be excellent students in the theory and practice of
warfighting. In terms of the experience and courage of troops, our nation’s
military recruiters, drill sergeants and other instructors bring volunteers
into the armed forces and prepare them with the expertise they need to be
confident in their warfighting abilities, which enhances courage in the face of
conflict. Von Clausewitz observed that military theory and practice exercised
by commanders and troops have evolved such that there is, more or less, some
parity among the nations.
“It cannot be denied,” von Clausewitz
states, “therefore, that as things stand at present proportionately greater
scope is given to the troops’ patriotic spirit and combat experience.” Given
the fact that our nation has been engaged in warfighting for almost its entire
history, our troops do indeed have combat experience. Thus, for the United
States, our principal, differentiating resource for military success must be
found in patriotic spirit.
Consider aggression by China, Russia
and North Korea throughout their spheres of influence. True, they may have
skilled commanders and well-practiced troops, but I dare suggest that they may
lack that patriotic spirit, at least lack the degree of spirit that the
American warfighter has. I suggest this because of the political oppression the
people of these nations – the “masses,” as people in Marxist societies are
called. How can purity of heart in terms of patriotic spirit exist in a society
that is based on coercion. I claim that it cannot. Such purity must be freely
given, and that freedom requires liberty for a people.
It is in enkindling the flame of
patriotic spirit that the Commander-in-Chief can play a significant role. As we
look at candidates for office, be it the presidency or in the legislature, it
is important to consider who speaks to the patriotic spirit. Who embraces
American exceptionalism? Who focuses, instead, on our nation’s faults, real or
contrived? Regarding our real faults, who uses such issues as talking points,
and who takes action to correct these faults and produces results? Which
candidates foster national pride among the citizenry, and which candidates
foment shame? This is not to suggest that problems be swept under the rug.
Instead, it’s to say that we should not continue electing people who fail to
solve problems, so that they can continue to have the problem as an
election-year topic every two, four or six years.
The topic of trade harkens back to
Washington’s farewell letter and the notion of “extending our commercial
relations.” As an unabashed, free-market capitalist, I look to the lessons of
history, and it is crystal clear that the human condition for people at all
levels of the socioeconomic ladder has improved the nearer a society approaches
a system of free and open markets. Furthermore, in any society that has
departed from such a system for organizing economic activity, as has the United
States over the course of nearly a century, inequity takes hold and
socioeconomic mobility eventually grinds to a halt.
Progressives denounce capitalism as an
oppressive system that exploits people. This demonstrates an utter lack of
understanding as to what capitalism is. It is a system of economic organization
in which all exchange is voluntary. A person freely chooses where to work or
not to work. A person freely chooses to exchange goods for other goods or for
money. No one is coerced to engage in any form of exchange. As Adam Smith
described in “Wealth of Nations,” when each person pursues his or her own
self-interest, he or she promotes the self-interest of another. It creates a
ripple effect that advances the interests of society, as a whole. For example,
I want a pencil, so that I can jot down notes for my weekly blog. Another
person has a pencil to sell. We may engage in a voluntary exchange if I have
something of value to the other person, such as money for example. If we agree
on the price, we can make an exchange, and we are both better off than just a
moment before. If we don’t agree on the price, I may seek out another seller of
pencils to see if I can get a better price. What I don’t do in a capitalist
system is force the pencil seller to give me the pencil for less than he or she
is willing to sell it, nor does society force me to pay what I perceive to be
the unacceptable price of the seller. Additionally, society does not subsidize
either party to effect the proposed exchange. Under capitalism, exchange of
goods and services does not happen unless all interested parties benefit from mutually
acceptable terms. This example does not end with the exchange between myself
and the seller. In the wonderful story, "I, Pencil: My Family Tree
as Told to Leonard E. Read,” which was published in the December 1958 issue of The
Freeman, Read describes the countless number of people from around the
globe who also enter into mutually beneficial exchanges to create a simple
pencil. Those processing the graphite, harvesting and milling the wood, mining the
copper, producing the paint, and farming the rubber, all people from around the
world, speaking different languages and holding different beliefs, come together
harmoniously to make the simple pencil that I would endeavor to purchase
voluntarily. This is a very real and a very practical illustration of Smith’s
“invisible hand.” It is not mere theory. It does indeed work, as Smith
Warnings of monopolies and the
exploitation inherent in them are often mentioned by skeptics of capitalism as
an argument against this form of economic organization. Again, the record of
history is conclusive that monopolies cannot exist, at least not for very long,
without the support and influence of the state. Legislators allow themselves to
be bought and paid for by companies and lobbyists in exchange for legislation
favorable to their contributors and harmful to their contributors’ competitors.
This arrangement is not capitalism. At best it may be described as crony
capitalism; however, I thing the more accurate term is fascism.
Let us return to the “world
stage.” According The Heritage Foundation’s “2020 Index of Economic Freedom,”
the United States ranks 17 among 180 ranked nations in terms of economic
freedom. Granted, we are in the top 10 percent, but leadership in trade begs
the question, what must we do to improve our standing among nations? According
to the index, the areas that present opportunities for improvement include: government
integrity, tax burden, government spending, business freedom, labor freedom,
monetary freedom, and trade freedom.
As we look to the platforms of
candidates in the upcoming election, who will restore integrity to government?
Beware the temptation to assume that one candidate has integrity, just because
you think another lacks it. Taking the candidates for the Office of the
President, I hear many say that President Trump lacks integrity. I will not
debate that here. However, I think it is a mistake to assume that Mr. Biden
does have integrity, just because it’s said that Trump lacks it. One need only
look to Biden’s boasting in a 2018 speech to the Council on Foreign Relations
(a dubious organization, to be sure, but a discussion for another time) that he
would withhold $1 billion dollars in loans unless the Ukrainian government
fired the prosecutor who was investigating the company for which his son served
as a member of its board of directors. One need only look to his verbal
assaults of people who question him on the campaign trail, even challenging one
to fight. If one exercises fair judgment, they will not only investigate Trumps
integrity, they will also investigate Biden’s, as well as any candidate’s
integrity. We absolutely should be concerned about the integrity of our
government and who will serve to elevate it.
As responsible citizens, we
should similarly explore candidates’ economic and tax policies and whether such
policies will enhance American’s ability to engage in market activities freely
and will provide employment opportunities for our citizens. As responsible
citizens, we should, in my opinion, reclaim authority and responsibility for
our lives and for our fellow citizens. Over the course of a century, we have
abdicated more and more of our individual sovereignty to the state.
Consequently, government spending as a percentage of GDP has skyrocketed. From
1790 to 1930, spending as a percentage of GDP never exceeded five percent, save
during the Civil War and World War I. During and following the Great
Depression, spending as a percentage of GDP rose quickly to a point at which it
has hovered since 1970, fluctuating up and down around the 20 percent mark. At
present, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid account for more than half of
government spending. A little less than 25 percent represents military
spending. The remaining quarter or so goes to protection of natural resources,
interest on the national debt and a big category that covers “all other.” Such
profligate spending by our economically licentious leaders doesn’t just hurt
the economy, it has a ripple effect that damages our standing in the other
indicators of economic freedom mentioned above, including trade freedom.
Through disastrous management of our national economy, those in government, at
all levels, look for any and every way to squeeze more money out of what should
be private, voluntary exchanges. Collectively, they form an unwelcome third
party that bastardizes free market capitalism and free trade and renders their
fruits rotten through the embedded cost of burdensome regulations that add
little real value and through direct effect of taxes on the costs of goods and
services. Anti-capitalists demand that we look at the terrible of effects
capitalism is having today. What they fail, time and time again, to recognize
is that we are not living in a free-market, capitalist society, and we haven’t
been for nearly 100 years.
As we look to our would-be
leaders, question which will restore the trade leadership of the United States
through sound economic and taxation policies that limit the role and
interference of government and that promote voluntary arrangements of exchange
– exchange of goods, services and labor.
Human Rights and Freedom
Human rights and freedoms, by
definition, are inherent in each person, as we discussed in the Week 52 post.
Rights are not dispensed by government, and the lack of restriction on
citizens’ rights promote freedom. Restrictions on rights limit freedom. As we
discussed in Week 52, there may be benefits or entitlements that a society
decides to confer on its citizens, but an intellectually honest discussion of
human rights cannot permit these to be called rights. Doing so diminishes the
meaning of the word “right.” I have no inherent right to the labor of another
person, just as they have no right to my labor. “Rights” to healthcare or to
education are perfect examples. Once we go down the path of accepting these
things as “rights,” we are compelled go down a parallel path, a path that leads
to servitude. It enslaves the doctor or nurse, the teacher or professor to you
and me. If I have a right to these things, how can the doctor, nurse, teacher
or professor refuse them to me? Having discussed rights before, I will not
belabor the point this week. Be mindful of one more thing: rights cost nothing;
they are free. Only the restriction of rights and the characterization of a
benefit or entitlement as a right have a cost for society, and it’s a terrible
cost, financially and morally. Let us ask ourselves which candidates understand
this distinction and act in a way that protects our rights and freedom.
Refugees and Immigration
Economic policy and respect for human
rights influence the immigration crisis, a topic we explored in the Week 40
post. I will not repeat that in-depth analysis here. Suffice it to say that
nations have borders, and those borders are like the cover of a book,
separating its contents from other books on the shelf. Like a book, a nation
has a story to tell. Its contents are informed by its laws, its respect for
those laws, its culture, and yes, its economic system and the entitlements it
does or does not offer.
With regard to refugees (and asylum seekers),
the non-partisan Migration Policy Institute states, “The United States
has historically led the world in terms of formal refugee resettlement,
accepting more refugees annually than any other country. With significant cuts
in refugee admissions by the Trump administration, however, the United States
fell behind Canada in 2018 as the top resettlement country. Approximately
22,500 refugees were resettled in the United States during fiscal year (FY)
2018. Beyond accepting refugees for resettlement, the United States also grants
humanitarian protection to asylum seekers who present themselves at U.S. ports
of entry or claim asylum from within the country; in FY 2017 (the most recent
data available), the United States granted asylum status to 26,568 individuals.”
Part of the reason for cutting the number of refugees was to accommodate an
increase in the number of asylees. It is important to differentiate the two.
Refugees apply for resettlement prior to entering the country. Asylees apply
for resettlement after they have entered the country. With programs like
catch-and-release, a growing number of people have entered the country without
going through an official point of entry (i.e., illegally) and then claimed
asylum. This growing number puts pressure on the immigration system, thus necessitating
a reduction in those being accepted under a refugee status. The point to be
considered is that things are not as clear-cut as politicians or the media
would have us believe. It is an issue that involves human life – real people
with a desperate desire for a better life. As an American citizenry, we owe it
to them to understand the issues and principles involved and to reject the spoon-fed
half-truths of those in power.
America is constantly criticized for enforcing
its borders, particularly its southern border. It is exceptionally ironic that
the same nations that criticize the United States for its border enforcement
policies are ones that have some of the most restrictive immigration policies
in the world, an extreme example being the Holy See (and being a Roman
Catholic, this hypocrisy troubles me greatly). Like so many issues that
represent humanitarian crises (e.g., homelessness, generational poverty,
failing schools, etc.), this is yet one more issue that politicians love to
talk about during election cycles but fail to improve during their tenure in
office. Remember that the United States, save Native Americans, is a nation of
immigrants. Immigrants bring richness to our culture, diligence to the
workplace, and synergy to our endeavors to create a more perfect Union. Despite
propaganda to the contrary, President Trump regularly recognizes the importance
of people immigrating to America, but his opposition to illegal immigration is
used to demonize him as a xenophobe and racist. What is wrong with requiring an
adherence to our system of laws? Isn’t that part and parcel of the oath our
leaders take – to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution? In the context
of immigration, consider all the candidates and find out which of them supports
the rule of law, not only in immigration but in all parts of our social
Standing up to Strongmen
Finally, standing up to strongmen is a
bravado-laden cliché that belies sound foreign policy. Again, turning to
history, it is interesting to note that conservatives tend to open America to
other nations of the world. Nixon engaged with China, introducing free market
capitalism, “a necessary but not sufficient” condition for political freedom,
as Milton Friedman would remind us. Reagan engaged with the former Soviet
Union, leading to the fall of the Iron Curtain. Trump has engaged with North
Korea, which may lead to an easing of sanctions against the Hermit Kingdom,
which could ease the humanitarian suffering of the people of that communist
state. Carter, a moderate, especially compared to the Progressives of today,
engaged with Egypt, enabling the State of Israel to exist and thrive in a part
of the world populated by nations intent on its destruction. Progressives are
often portrayed as “doves” militarily; yet, it is interesting to consider the
trail of devastation that follows their military interventions. One need only
to look at the Clinton military policies related to Africa (i.e., Rwanda and
Somalia) and the Balkans (i.e., Bosnia and Kosovo), at the Bush military
policies in the Middle East (for I do not consider Bush to be a true
conservative), and at the Obama military policies that escalated the Bush
Middle East policies, as well as his failure to stand up to Russia (e.g., his
failure to support the sovereignty of the Crimea), relaying to Prime Minister Putin
through Russian President Medvedev that
he would have “more flexibility” to negotiate with Russia after his second
election to lay bare their failures.
Bravado is not equivalent to standing
up to strongmen. Engagement through non-military means is the “grown-up” way of
standing up to a strongman. Will reason or war alleviate the scourge of nuclear
proliferation, another key point made by Mr. Biden. We’ve continued building up
nuclear stockpiles over the years – granted, actual numbers do decrease, but
they are substituted with an increasing lethality of newer weapons – and the
number of nations with nuclear weapons continues to grow. Again, proof that the
bravado of force has unintended and unwanted consequences. Again, might it be
time for reason? Examine at the deeds and records of each politician. Who uses
their mind, and who uses their fists, so to speak? Determine this and vote